Illness & Disability. Tutu Program

When a child is diagnosed with an illness or disability, their parents and families are faced with a considerable sense of loss and heartache, encountering many challenges that accompany what may be life-limiting changes they were not prepared for. Parents are often confronted with an alternative reality to the one they may have dreamed and hoped for, for their child and their family.

Our Tutu Program strives to show these wonderful children and their families that we, as a community, care about them and understand their sometimes heartbreaking challenges. Through this program we aim to put some sunshine into their lives and provide a distraction and escape, even if it is for just one moment.


To provide Angel Gown garments that have been lovingly transformed from donated wedding dresses for families when they are faced with the unimaginable loss of their baby or child.


That every Hospital and Funeral home in Australia will be gifting our Angel Gown garments to any family in need.

To gift an Angel Gown garment to every baby or child when they have passed away, so families have one memorable moment of peace and beauty as they dress their baby before they say goodbye for the very last time.


  • Love, Compassion, and Community
  • Healing - The healing ability of giving and sharing.
  • Support - By speaking about the importance of “Breaking the Silence” and that it is “ok” to talk about when your baby or child has passed away.
  • Growth - For the knowledge of our organisation and services we provide to grow in the future, and to work with other organisations around Australia.
  • Honour - To ensure families know they are not alone and that their baby or child is loved and cared for by many people throughout Australia and the world.